I Want To Know Your Thoughts
the way you think”
So this thought ran through my mind. “What am I
thinking?” “What am I thinking?” Stagnation. “This mind is under constant
inertia”. A force we know as ‘the property of matter by which something is not
moving, remains still’. “My fear is not that I am inadequate, but a mirror
knows who I see and there is always someone watching including my neighbour”.
‘You’, yes it is a narration in the second person. Do you understand how to
change the world? Greater is he who is in us, than in the world. Your mind does
not rest, you assist in the battle of principalities. Waiting on everyone to
define you, conforming, do you think you really stand out? Prove it.
Significance is important, but “I want to know your thoughts, because I think
about you a lot”.
This world is under pressure. The way we think, we
think matters. Conforming, what do we all need? How content are we? Chew on
writing a piece, maybe poetry, maybe you like the word poetic dissertation,
because it is eloquent and flattery is not dead. There is a book, but it is so
different. Have you ever been challenged to think the way thoughts exist? The
kind of thoughts that sustain life,
in the fullness of who you have dreamt of being-someone good. Finally, the
thought crosses your mind, “my neighbour and I groan for righteous glory”. Your
mind needs to overcome but that is humanly insurmountable. “I want to know your
thoughts, because I need your help”. I need someone virtuous who has conquered
this world, to help me change this world. “With the stroke of every distinct
thought, are you moved by the inconsistency of this narration?” Truly words are
This book that is spoken of, no fleshly man could
conceive these words. Every sentence seems to stand out and in one of them with
big bold letters, it says “prove all things”.
Day in and day out, we are born into this world. We are in the 21st
century and things looks worse than ever before. Nothing in this world has not
‘vanity’ written on it in small fine print, where your eyes do not behold it.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the pleasures are delectable
and oh yes, sweet and aromatic. The air is not so bad and you and I, plus my
neighbour get along fine. The real battle lay not with what we see, but
immaterial is what drives men. Not only does immaterial stimulate men, but it
wars against us and lays as a snare to cradle us to the grave. No one focusing
on the things seen of this world really understands the ‘goliath’ they face.
The ‘art of war’, know your enemy. There is no need for a decorative piece of
paper attributed to one man, with monocles and cunning use of language to tell
you that men are broken. We need fixing, but this mending is dependent upon a
freebee because we are that fragile. Nobody likes paying for anything even
though, you and I, plus my neighbour all need liberty from our vices. You see,
this book has overcome stagnation and inertia is but a miniscule vexing
nuisance. Now, “I really want to know your thoughts, because I know no fleshly
man thinks like you do-omniscience narrator”.
So I get on my knees and I stop hiding behind words
and the people and characters of the figment of my imagination. These words
were written knowing that I am so young and the world so big. I am David and
stand before Goliath. He roars loudly like a lion waiting to kill and devour
his prey. I run towards him in battle, the earth is our battle ground, but the war
is heavenly. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through the knowledge
of you most high God. I compass my heart and test the faith which I am given, I
get up daily and rebuke myself for every minute I am late for duty. For as long
as I shall live, the war is up until my very last breath. I want to change the
world, so I live on my knees and with desperate confidence in the power of your
sword, with which He conquered the world I put all my devotion.
It is all vanity, but you are not without hope in all
that you are most High God. You have opened up your household to us and poured
out blessings. On my knees I pray, make your will known to me, so that I wonder
not lost in my own vain understandings of my existence. I too need to know my
purpose, this is why I breathe and why Goliath commands it that I perish. I
want to change the world, which is why “I want to know your thoughts”. His
blood was spilled in battle and we are called as soldiers by name to His army,
“I groan for your glorious praise”. Without ceasing, I need a passionately
kindled fire in my bosom to continue on the narrow road. Without ceasing, my
knees must bleed for the battle has been spilling blood since we were created.
Most high God, sanctify us, and perfect us in your love and cast out all fear.
He threatens with a loud voice, so many have perished. The words of your book
is not without love, your blessings for a spouse and a white pecked fence
torment me. I yield to the very desire which seems to destroy many. I seem to
lose focus on your gifts and blessings alike because I want to change the world.
My neighbour too has been called, no men alive is not mentioned.
This song I sing, I have been born to a family and
your blood flows through my veins, yes my king-Jesus-I am no longer a slave to
fear, you have delivered me from my enemies till all my fears have gone. I am
surrounded by the arms of the Father, thank you my Saviour, you mean more to me
than this world, and so let me fight for my liberty, because I want to change
this world.
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