
I thought I knew what it means to be a friend. I thought I had it all figured out at 25-been around the block, been around the country, been around the continent-have had friends from around the world, yes Namibian, South African, Chinese, German, Sudanese and even Russian. But in fact, I am blank, with every new acquaintance. Brothers are easy, but we’re tough, sisters are difficult, but they’re soft. Opposites attract in magnetic terms and like poles repel each other. In the kingdom of God, nothing is impossible. I thought what I like would turn you asunder in fact I would remove myself yonder in my own presumption of insinuating your prejudices. But time and time again, when you let acquaintances be a meeting meant to be and when you think about God and His Kingdom, than acquaintances and crossed paths are “meant to be”. Friendship relationship take course based on decisions that are made dependent on circumstances and they usher the relationship in 1 or 2 directions, up or down, forward or back. Friendship this beautiful understood yet simple complex natural relationship that is perfect harmony to anchor people into social society so riddled with introverts, yes antisocial-“apparently they don’t talk much”. Extroverts seeing one another from afar as if like poles don’t repel, then we think simple physics is hard or is God not magnificent and is not his character after sinners who are nothing like him. He died for friends who didn’t understand friendship till he rose again. He said “I call you my friends, except the son of perdition”.

Why even in families, we have a black sheep. In a group of five friends, why is there always the odd one out. I feel sorry for a friend like that, because than I look at myself and start to wonder the darkness that dwells with in me. My heart is deceitful and above all else desperately wicked. Sometimes I am vulnerable and think I am the only friend I have, and think I am no good. But when people, one brother even a sister has said one kind thing about me, it is enough for me to snap out of the spirit of self-pity and even worse the spirit of rejection. Sometimes being good for one purpose only is what and how God calls us. Understanding that God made you to be just for that one thing your entire life, is purpose. He is THE FRIEND, the one who knows you better than you know yourself, the one who has the days of your life written in His little book. That’s why talking to Him is important, He is omnipresent and always has time for everyone including you and I. Make Him your best friend and everyone else will become clearer than what you could have described. That’s why talking to him is important. Brothers and sisters will become more than flesh and blood, more eternal beings whom you’ll spend eternity with. Friendship, love at the Centre.

Companionship, friendship on a long journey and we are not meant to be desolate pilgrims on this pilgrimage. We are meant to subdue time through meaningful relationships whose ties are spiritual, pure and born of a sincere and loving heart. Friends, some live next door, some are those who add 5 cents when you’re short at the grocery store. Some friends are those in a taxi or bus drive onto your destination. Some are the weighty anchors when you lost half your legs and have cancer. They are the ones who hold your hand during chemotherapy. Some are those who you need to let go off. Some are those who you don’t understand, but yet, they are friends. Simple complexity I would say. It’s intricate to be a human being. Would Adam and Eve still have had children and would we all have been living in the Garden of Eden as friends? Food for thought…


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