Agape Love

The death of love on the cross of Calvary. The definition of love spelled out on the cross of Calvary. Sorrow beyond despair preceding the most affectionate tragedy of human suffering. An example he was for many to receive instruction in a directionless generation. Love without limits and love beyond eros, philia and storge. Agape embodiment. Love was patient, love was kind, love covered all sin, love didn’t take account of wrongs, love was not after its own desires but love conquered it all. How dare you spit on love’s open arms meant to cuddle all your brokenness and swallow all your insecurities. How dare you turn your back on the living God who is for you! You are desolate and damned without everlasting love in your bosom. Fighting your every battle and its light pushing back the darkness from within and without. How I am grateful for my surrender and loves admonition to my pride and evil intent. I guard my heart 24/7 with intelligence, because from within it flow the issues of life seeking to over throw and rule with idolatry. Love requires vulnerability and acceptance of its need in your life. Otherwise you will take it for granted and be worse off then you started. With gratitude in your stride and thankfulness in your speech, succumb to sacrifice and giving. Love is action and full of deeds orientated at the recipient. Acknowledge the vastness of the universe and its maker who holds every star in its place. The grand design beyond awe. The incomprehensible majesty of beautiful majestic creatures you know are loved and taken care of. How much more you feeble inconsiderate human mortal? Take the time and reconsider your paths leading to life or death. Take some time and think of time eternally before time lapses and grace ends. Where the spirit of your life returns to the one who gave it and your eternal judgment now a reality. I plead, reconsider mortality before death becomes your jail cell.

Driven by eternity let love reign. Driven by authority I belong to a kingdom. Led by truth it was ordained before the foundation of the earth. My conscious confirming, I acknowledge the arch emotion, love. You are dead without it and life meaningless without it. The reaction in my mind and the force in my heart, love has become a need. Distorted by many and life’s fairytales robbing the innocent people of the world. We never seem to have enough for each other. Wrong, you will never have enough for each other. We are riddled in self-interest and care only as long as we get something out of it. Regardless of recent affairs, I point you to the cross of Calvary. The finished work of love and the testimony of saving grace found in Christ. On your own, your stony heart cannot manifest agape love. You need a heart transplant and an abundance of love shed by the Holy Spirit. Transcending all understanding, it requires a move of God by day and night to lead you to the cross of Calvary and to your death. Called to more than emotion and tears, we are called to fellowship in loves deep sufferings in sacrifice. To the world, seeming foolish, but to the saved, life in abundance. The narrow road, love infused in your genes at your surrender you become more than a conqueror. No valley to low and no mountain to high. You urge forward in courageous steps of victory in loves fullest form. The death of a righteous man on a tree becomes your greatest hope, depend on loves conquering power to cover the multitude of sins. Amen.


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