Forgiveness, it comes from the
heart. You will it almost and say I will count your sin and actions against me
no more. It is so powerful because it sets you free. No longer do you carry the
burden around of what someone else has done to you, but your set free from
bricks of hurt. You are totally unburdened and your heart is made free. No later
than immediately, now you’re free. Forgiveness is not for the next person, but
for yourself. It is for the one letting go and accepting that it no longer will
create an emotional disposition of any sort in their lives. Pain, suffering,
bitterness, resentment and anger will no longer control them. Forgiveness is a
weapon and a secret to joy and a long and healthy life in freedom. It’s not a
once off remedy, you will have to do it more than once. Some people are cruel
and given the chance, they will hurt you. They will step on your toes and break
your trust. They will use you and cause the most absurd hatred and anger to
manifest in your life, but forgiveness is your choice. Far above the greatest
choice to make from a point of emotional turmoil. It extends to a personal
point of stance, where you have to forgive yourself for all the things you have
done to yourself and allowed other people to hurt you. You will have to forgive
yourself for hurting other people as well. Forgiveness is so sweet and where
forgiveness is, is the Lord of heaven. He is rich in mercy and extends his
forgiveness when people forgive others.
A lot of diseases stem from people
with some sort of emotional brick they haven’t swallowed. They let it control
their life and manifest into the natural as some sort of stress. Forgiveness is
the cure and remedy to this cruel spiritual black hole manifestation. When you
forgive, God doesn’t release the tormentors into your life to torment you. He
doesn’t let disease and sickness riddle you. Riddle me this, why should He
forgive you, if you won’t forgive others. See, when you get the revelation of
forgiveness, you will never be the same. When you get the revelation of the
cross of Calvary, you will forgive others in a heartbeat. We are prone to
mistakes and tend to hurt others, even the ones we love. An act of mercy where
judgement is deserved is how you should live your life. Loving instead of
hating. Let go of grudges and be somewhat against no one, but sin. Listen to
your heart crying in pain of all the stress you put it under when you don’t
forgive. When you refuse to let go and be free. When you don’t want to
understand the human nature and its wicked heart. Guard your own heart through
forgiveness and be the example. Greater is he with a heart full of forgiveness,
then he who has his heart set on revenge and backstabbing. Be careful for
nothing, because pain will come. But be ready for everything in forgiveness and
love. Tend to your soul in springs of forgiveness and be not arrogant in pride
and boastful revenge. God is the redeemer and the revenger of the wicked. Take
care, lest though stumble and fall and need forgiveness, too. Then you will see
how great an ocean you will search for it and might never find it. Therefore,
be quick to forgive and be ready in and out of season, always.
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