Perplexed At Your Beauty

I am sure you are terrifically good. I am certain this is not a bloop. I am accurate that you reign and want to reign in me for my good. I affirm you have a sense of humor and that is funny. Oh Father, teach me thy ways of righteousness. Let me wait patiently and confidently for my inheritance. Let me surrender to your grand design which you noted in your little book, for all the days of my life. Let me succumb to the pressures of sacrifice and yield to the sufferings of the present life. Knowing, they are nothing compared to the glory that awaits my soul. I love your plans, because they are out of this world, just like we are. I'm giggling at your attitude towards me, somehow you knew I would be overwhelmed at life and might just need a better answer then, I am god, too! Subject to creation and lost to humanity, but your eyes pierce darkness and night like broad day light. Therefore, I was never lost to you. In fact, your plans never fail once we failed you in the beginning. You gave us a chance even when the possibility of failing was high, now look at us. Reconciled to yourself even when we are to blame. I love your love. Teach me your choice of love and I know death will be easy. Mortifying my body will be pleasing and crucifying my flesh will be a welcomed necessity. I fear when I don't understand, but you argue faith should be in perpetual motion, and grace, where my abilities end. Your simple and complex. Intricate and humble in all your ways. To go up, I must go down. To gain, I must lose. True to your word and you cannot change for the better, because you are best. I miss you, yet my eyes have never beheld your splendid beauty. How funny! I just want to say, gratitude, because I am perplexed at your beauty.

Amazed, I am lost in wonder, wondering why you did what you did! It can only be love. Leaving your throne, above all thrones, you humbled yourself because your love is everlasting. You have loved us with an everlasting love, that no man can ever separate us from, forever. No authority nor principalities. No dominions nor devils. We are seated with you in heavenly places, with our minds set on the things above. Knowing, that we will judge your messengers. We are your pride and joy, but his envy and foe. You cradle us, a jealous God. Encouraging us, become like children, you say. By the renewing of your mind, unless we submit to you and resist the evil one, we can’t do it without order. You know my crevices and weakness. You sleep through my storms and is never amazed. Trust in the Lord, your word commands. I am broken, so is my trust, but you restore my soul, therefore I will wait on you Lord. Can I pray every time I talk? Can I silently praise you because of nature’s splendid beauty? When you chasten me, shall I not know your love even more? When I am still, will I not know you are God? Like a tree planted at the river side, rooted deep near fresh and cool waters. Always watered and never running dry, I will yield fruit in its season. Growing exponentially, I never hunger nor thirst. I have a room for the famine. Not letting my personality corrupt my character, I wade through your trials and his temptations. A lamp to my feet and a light to my path, I discern you are always there. Sometimes silent, but never forsaken nor will you leave. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. My time has come, called out of darkness into light. Fallen, so did Peter, but married to you always and you hate divorce, therefore it might be seven time but, yet I rise to praise your name and enter in by the narrow gate. I am perplexed at your beauty.


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